What We Do: Investment

We believe community organizations and grassroots leaders are among our city’s greatest assets, but that investment gaps exist, missing opportunities for impact, equity and change.

We address these gaps by providing community-driven funding, opportunities to raise unrestricted funds, in-kind resources and administrative support. All of our investments, whether financial or in-kind, are led by what our community partners say they need to be more effective. By addressing investment gaps in the current nonprofit ecosystem, we help to better leverage existing resources.

What we invest in

We provide small “grants” ranging from $500-30,000 to community partners to support pilot programs, program enhancements, community and social cohesion, resilience and collaboration. In addition to financial resources, we provide a range of in-kind support in response to community need, ranging from PPE and food to pro bono legal assistance to access to fundraising opportunities.

How we invest

Our investments are based on trusted relationships and are responsive to what our community partners say they need, all of whom serve neighborhoods contending with the highest levels of socioeconomic disparities and gun violence.  We believe those closest to our greatest challenges have the insights, ingenuity and trust to identify how best to leverage community assets and mitigate unintended consequences of policy and philanthropy.
